This report teaches:
Business Management Systems
So you can hold your team accountable to standards. Establish the perfect meeting rhythm so everybody is pushing the organization forward.
Marketing and Lead Generation
For an abundance of qualified leads. This is the lifeblood of your business. How to become an authority through trust based marketing.
So you can find your ideal customers and build your business with the end in mind.
Seller and Buyer Sales Systems
So you have predictable pipeline at all times. Establish your lead management system and use the most effective tech tools for sales. Plus build out a world class sales operations team to manage your listings and transactions.
People Systems
So you can find your key hire and exponentially grow your business. Develop a predictable hiring, recruiting, and on boarding system.
Money Systems
So you know your numbers, operate professionally, and generate a competitive advantage over your amateur competitors. Establish a wealth building plan.
The Real Estate Team Manifesto
Six Critical Areas of Mastery - Free Report
For team owners that want to go to the next level. Thinking of growing a team but don't yet have one? Excellent! Educate yourself now and grow it right the first time.
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“Daniel is one of the brightest minds in real estate I have come across in my 11 years selling homes. My team has sold $89MM in real estate in the last 12 months and we have implemented many of his ideas.”– Greg Geilman | Re/Max Estate Properties