Agent Academy: Are You Asking the Wrong Questions?
Why are you asking how? You should be asking who.
That will help you rapidly grow your business. So what questions are you asking yourself?
Find out in this video.
Agent Academy - Real Estate Coaching & Training
Agent Academy
Agent Academy: Are You Asking the Wrong Questions?
Why are you asking how? You should be asking who.
That will help you rapidly grow your business. So what questions are you asking yourself?
Find out in this video.
Agent Academy: There Are 2 Types of People
Earners and savers. Which are you?
You know most don’t realize that trying to save 1 or 2% is actually costing them 10%.
Learn what I mean by watching this short video.
Agent Academy: Best Time To Sell
Summer, Winter, the holidays? When is the best time to sell your home?
It’s not uncommon for people to think certain times of the year are better for selling than others, but what happens is more and more people are on that same trend and then there is so much inventory for buyers that it almost becomes impossible for homeowners to sell their homes.
Learn when you should sell your home by watching this short video.
Agent Academy: How To Handle Multiple Offers
Wondering how to best handle multiple offers or how to ensure you are securing the best possible offer? Most people focus on just getting the highest possible price but there is a step-by-step process that is much more effective!
Listen to this short video to find out what:
Agent Academy: Facebook Leads
Facebook leads are KILLING your business!
If your agents are spending hours and hours going after Facebook leads and only converting 15 of those thousands of leads…STOP!
Listen to this short video to find out why.
7 areas of mastery for a profitable real estate business by Jon Cheplak and Dan Beer